Tuition-Free Courses
Tuition-Free Courses
Replay + Review - Do-It-Yourself 501(c)3 Application
REPLAY + REVIEW - Do-It-Yourself 501(c)3 Application Process
$27.00 / month
SERVE-U Full-Time Students
Full-Time Student (Membership Courses)
$27.00 / month with 1 month free trial
7-Day Calendar for Nonprofit Leaders
How do I run a nonprofit while working a full-time job? This course is for nonprofit leaders who have a full-time job with a part-time passion for giving back!
$27.00 / month with 1 month free trial
3 Tips When Your Community Partner Makes a Public Mistake
3 Things to Consider When Your Community Partner Make a Public Mistake
$27.00 / month with 1 month free trial
How to Create a College Internship Programs for Your Nonprofit
Academic Internship Programs for Your Nonprofit